Hello my friends and family,
It is tricky trying to climb out of that crib!!!! I've been a busy girl this week. I finally got to bottle and breastfeed and am doing quite well with it. Right now they let me do it twice daily and will increase it over the next week. I'm still waiting for some Nestle Quik though!
This week I also had my development assessment by the occupational and physical therapists. Everything is on track and my muscle tone is very good. They are pleased with my strength and movement. Hmmm.....must be that new ab roller I got! I also had a follow up appointment with the eye doctor and they noted that my surgery went well and I should be all set.
I am much more awake now and love to cuddle and take baths - they are my favorite. I'm also making a lot more noises. The nurses still like to dress me up and play fashion show...I had to tell them no make-up though.
It is so exciting to hear the doctors discuss me coming home. I just need to take all my feedings via mouth and pretty much that's it. My breathing is progressing too. I'm still on the canula, but at a very low volume of oxygen, probably not too much longer with that! Hopefully over the next two weeks I should be able to come home with Mom and Dad and big brother Boomer!
Thank you for praying for me and keeping me in your thoughts.
Love, Allie