We've had some visitors over to meet Allie and we certainly appreciate everyone's cooperation with following our "health guidelines" to ensure we keep Allie super healthy.
Allie enjoys her visits with Grammy Karen and will get to spend this weekend with Nana and Papa Shepard as they are coming down to stay with Allie and Matt while Nicole is on her first overnight weekend (girls weekend) away from Allie. Yes, she is going to miss her like CRAZY - but she knows she'll be in great hands.
Boomer continues to be intrigued by Allie. We've caught him giving her feet "kisses" and often he lays right under her swing. It will definitely be funny when she can start feeding him goodies!
We hope everyone is having a nice Fall and hope you have fun this Halloween. Allie will enjoy her first Halloween as a ladybug!
Love, The Shepards