As we prepare for Thanksgiving Day we want to give a special thank you to all our friends and family for their love and support over the past months. We cannot thank everyone for all your kind gestures for Allie. We all have a lot to be thankful for and many given blessings.
It's hard to believe that she's going to be 7 months old on Thanksgiving! Allie is doing amazing. She is babbling so much and loves to "coo" and laugh at her toys. She is starting to notice Boomer more and even decided to crawl up on him and give him a big hug (with Mom and Dad's help of course.)
Allie has been busy with Mom the last few days preparing for Turkey Day. We've made hand-traced cut out turkeys for decoration and some kiddie cornucopias (not that she can eat them, but Mom had fun!) We'll spend Thanksgiving at home this year. All the grandparents will be over along with Uncle Mike and Uncle Mark (who will be meeting Allie for the first time.)
From our home to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Matt, Nicole & Little Turkey (Allie)