Hi Friends & Family,
We know it's been a while since we've posted on the blog - things have been busy, busy! Allie is doing just great. She is now about 15 pounds and 26 inches long! She is actually on the full-term baby growth chart now for her height and head circumference - so we're very excited!
Fortunately, Allie has been very healthy this winter and we've managed to dodge colds and the flu so far - we're hoping things stay that way. Allie has been keeping busy with rolling around, bouncing in her new Exersaucer and just about sitting on her own now. She loves to babble and talk, talk, talk (we think she's telling us stories!) She is becoming more and more aware of Boomer and he just adores her. He likes to lay next to her on the floor when she plays. Allie is notorious for taking off her socks and chewing on them (gross!) We cannot keep socks on her at all - she is quite the hoot!
Allie (and Mom & Dad) have enjoyed some visits from family and friends this winter and are so excited for it to warm up so we can get out the stroller! We are looking forward to celebrating Allie's 1st Birthday - just around the corner!
Hope everyone is well! Stay warm and hang in there......Spring is almost here!
Love, The Shepards