Monday, May 12, 2008

Hi everybody, mom and dad are tired so I snuck out of the NICU to write the blog tonight. Today has been a good day for me, the doctors and nurses think that the PDA is closing up for good, only time will tell. I sure do hope so, I've been stuck eating through my IV the last 2 days and am ready for some milk. I requested chocolate but I don't think that is going to happen.

Mom came and held me in the morning, it was great, we sang and she read to me. Then I took a nap and in the afternoon mom & dad came back. They kept talking to me and kept making funny faces, when will they learn...

My nurse David took real good care of me, I overheard him talking to mom & dad and said that I'm almost at room air and that things were really going well - I tried to tell mom & dad that but they don't speak preemie (yet).

Well, I have to sneak back before the nurses know I'm gone, I look forward to meeting all of you real soon, they tell me just a couple months.



Aunt Terrie said...

Your Aunt Terrie will give you all the chocolate milk you want. If you are anything like your mother, you will want some spices in that too :)

I love you, and can't wait to hold you for the first time.

God Bless You!

Aunt Terrie

Lisa said...

Congrats on your new little bundle of joy! Polly told me about your blog and I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with all of you! What a cute little peanut Allison is!
Love--Lisa aka "Frickie"